Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Farewell, 2013. Greetings, 2014.

There isn’t much interesting things had happened to me throughout the year of 2013. But for some reason, I felt an urge to write something. And that something – whatever I am going to write here – are things that pretty much important for me, regarding whether I chose to remember or forced to remember.

And since it is one of the joyous festivals of the year, I think it would fit for me to share you all my joyous moments in 2013. Do note, I’m trying or not at all to fit these things in chronological order.)

Let us commend the hashtag…


The very first thing that I felt was one of the best moments in 2013 would be the time I spent with my girlfriend! 

Probably the first and the last of our Purikura days...
Actually she’s not my girlfriend, to be honest, but an outrageous BFF of mine, Effie. From going out for movies, to walk in the park, to singing our throats out, or just hanging around – she has made my holiday well spent. And we tried as much as we can to hangout for the first 5 months in 2013.

Other than her, another one of my BFFs, Adelynn shared quite of her time to spend with us, and me of course. A great deal of happy moments had happened in our time together, in which I wouldn't write since I am bad in memorizing the small details of our endeavors. 

From left to right; me, Adelynn and Jessica (another BFF in our group).
This was taken in 2011 during Sungha Jung first debut in Malaysia. Not quite sure why Adelynn and me don't have a lot of picture together.

The next thing would be, and actually quite embarrassing for me to admit, is my first time ever living on my own.

Although I won’t say much as first time, but it’s the first time I travelled alone to a place that is “alien” to me for a long time. And the reason why I travelled there is because to continue my education in a college. 

All the college's male students during orientation, in our formal wear.

The time I had spent in Labuan, I have to say is tough for me. In a few months, I have to cope with difficulties of living by myself – something I am not used to since I always depended on my family. And financial; let me tell you, I am proved to be not efficient in handling money. And after a semester, I decided to quit.

But in a bright side, I met and known wondrous group of people there during my stay. I get to know a lot of new cultures from many people alike and befriended them. I also learnt Sabahan dialect, which I brought over home and have a few stares when spoke in that dialect.

From left to right; me, Mustaqim, Azrie and Jeff
The outing programme where we learnt the history of Labuan.
The members of BC2T9 and BC2T10.
From left to right; Michelle, Hairil, me and Apphia
These are my former schoolmates whom I found in the college.
With my former schoolmates and new college friends.
The election night where the students got to pick the president for the college. And this is not even half of the college students in our intake.

Besides that, I met a happily married couple in Labuan who welcomed me in their home and let me be a part their family. I gave credits to Uncle Mathew and Aunt Ernie and also their three boys for their warmest generous welcome and always reminded me of my family back home. And who even knew, after spending time with them, I learnt that we are actually related!

From left to right; Deanroy, Uncle Mathew, Aunt Ernie and me
Meet my foster parents.

I always forgot how supportive my family is, due to our ways of expressing among ourselves. I would say we sort of rough and loud, yet loving at the same time. But whose family is perfect anyway? It came bashing me to realization when my parents supported my decision of leaving college. I felt that my parents had gave out everything for me to the point that they gave way and accepted my opinions, which I have to admit rarely given by a conservative family like mine.
Mom and Dad, or should I say Dad and Mom.
Mr and Mrs Bugie, thanks for everything!

In that moment, I learnt how much parents really value their children no matter what they did wrong and it just make me love them more. And as I am now continuing my education again in a local university, I am more prepared and determined to not them let down again.

This came to my forth best moments – continuing my journey again in education. Taking a course in local university, I think I could handle up everything with my family’s helps. In which it would be a good opportunity for me to get used to again and gradually being more dependent to myself.
That's me! Preparing for the Talent Night at the university I enrolled. My batik looks smashing!
My coursemates! Courtesy of Timothy, the one with the unusual arms pose.

And then my last best moment of 2013, family gathering! Who doesn’t love family gathering? As much as I can say myself as the antisocial kind of people, I love to meet all my relatives. Unlike the previous years, this year in 2013 we all able to group up everyone – even the ones living far away – together. And although I have to skip my classes to attend it, it’s really nice to meet them all again. And yeah, one of my familys resolution for a big family photoshoot has finally ticked off from the big family’s list
Taking a selfie while waiting for my turn to have a shoot. 

Even though 2013 doesn't really set me something that is special and surprising, it taught me more on family values and to appreciate the relation that you have either with your family or friends. It also taught me that how much you think you can do anything by yourself; you will realize someday that you still need your family as you need your friends to help you in your life. And when you come to that realization, it is best to just take a time and spend with them, and again appreciate them. Just a personal quote I want to share with you all.

With that, we come to an end of this post. I wish everyone a Happy New Year and a Happy 2014. Before that, I would also like to congrats anyone who has succeeded in completing their 2013’s resolutions, and to those who hasn't, there’s no reason to worry since 2014 is a new starting point for you to accomplish it.

Farewell, 2013. Greetings, 2014.
